we were thinkin of adding a dog our happy family. i've always wanted a dog and thou, we have kind, gentle cat; i wanted a little more 'interaction' from the family pet-- to lick our faces, play fetch, take walks, protective companionship, and show unconditional love, affection & loyalty only a dog can.
we went to the forever home adoption event today. the girls, esp laurel, are drawn to dogs, wanting to be near, but overwhelmed when the dogs are too close. 'hi dawgie' and 'bye dawgie' are favorite phrases.
we filled out the form and had an initial on-the-spot-inverview. in a very politically-correct answer, we were HIGHLY DISCOURAGED in adopting a dog until the girls were at least 3yrs old, when they are developmental able to understand reason.
the volunteer told tales from her own personal experience, how she couldnt predict and always monitor the actions of both babies (human and dog) resulting in moments of real harm. sadly, she ended up having to return the dog.
our other option is to adopt an older, trained, mellow dog. but for Red's safety and fairness, he should have dominant rights and that would only work with a puppy. or we would have one UNhappy (angry) cat.
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