Monday, February 26, 2007

Thank you Dr. Feber!

Dr. Richard Ferber
Director of The Center for Pediatric Sleep Disorders
Children's Hospital Boston
300 Longwood Avenue
Boston, MA 02115

Dear Dr. Ferber,

Thank you.

Well-Rested Parents of Twin Babies

The pics are a bad angle, but here they are sleeping w/out their pacis, (can we say a woo hooo!)

Per Dr. Feber's cry-it-out method, we decided to go cold turkey---none of that interval check ins (5 then 10 then 15 min). If they expect it, they'll just cry more---so consistency and cold turkey it was!

During their 11-12 hours of beauty sleep, they would wake up 1-2x every night just for, not to be held or rocked; or for momma's wonderful company---but for the comforts of the Nuk (ggggrrrrr). Unfortunately, they're not quite coordinated yet to find and stick it in themselves. So it 's (mostly) momma or poppa who has to do the nightly treks to retrieve it. Believe me, by 7 mos, it gets really old and exhausting.

It took about 3-4 nights of crying (we never timed the longest crying bout, but shut our door and turned off the monitor). Now IF they wake up during the night, they cry for a minute or two then go right back to sleep. So SWEET is the skill to self-soothe.

See, they really just need that extra push---seriously, crying has never known to cause permanent damage and Dr. Feber isnt a quack . And here's a long shot, but I'm thinking, the older they get, they more attached and harder it would be to kick the pacy habit (or really any habit).

I didnt always have a thing for the pacifier. The first few months they really needed it. Esp Vienna who was colicky. Babies do need to suck for comfort---I've seen them suck in their sleep even w/out the pacifier. But now, they need it so little and if it was going to give them uneven front teeth later on, it was time for the crutch to go.

Sleep, blissful, undisturbed sleep, is such a beautiful thing! EVERYONE wakes up rested and cheery!


Jeni said...

u, too?

i remember drafting a similar letter.

Joel Langarika said...

I found your blog, wow, beautiful babyes, I was a twin, and i said was, because my twin died a month after birth. But somehow, all my life, i felt that i`m missing something or someone. well. Cheers, thank God, they can sleep well now. xoxo