Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Random musing...

I was just thinking the other day, how Eric and I LOVE our 15-20 commute (since now I'm in Herndon vs Bethesda and he's in Mclean). And even then our schedule is TIGHT, tight, tight.

Here's a sample of our nightly routine:

- 5PM leave work

- 5:15 to 5:30 home to relieve nanny

- 5:30 to 6 when its nice out, take the kids out for a
walk and some fresh air

- 6 to 6:30 prepare quick 20-min meal or leftovers & eat

- 6:30 to 7 play with kids and do some 'rotation
exercises' per the PT to help w/their motor skills

- 7 to 7:30 their bath, book and last bottle

- 7:30 to 8 kids' bedtime

- 8 to 10:30 QT w/Big ED, tv, computer,
mini 20 min exercise program

- 10:30-11PM shower, read one chapter and
lights out

Whew, jam packed schedule. How do parents fit it all in with an 1hour to 1 1/2 hr commute? Eat dinner at 9PM and skip the play time?

Quality of life must plummet with the sheer exhaustion of the grind. Personally, I'm not a commuter gal and am grateful we live where we do.

(Yes, I have a love-hate relationship with our home. Love the location, loads of land for the kids to explore, excellent school district and quiet, safe neighborhood; just not thrilled with the layout of the house or V Road. But sorry, I digress since that could be a whole other blog. )

And I cant imagine when the kids are older and there's homework & lessons. When does it slow down, when they're in high school?(!)

The Post did a couple of studies on today's working parents:

So it appears, thru creative juggling, parents are spending more time with their children than previous generations. Funny, how it doesnt feel that way...

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