our first couple chickens, Chick-Chick and Brownie were victims of us forgetting to cage them for the night; and a predator/fox got 'em (lesson learned). we only had them for a few wks, so we kinda glossed over their deaths, that they had 'flown away' and got instant replacements, to soften the blow for the girls.
the 3 new chickens, laurel's Daisy, vienna's Choclate Wrapper and my Wednesday have been with us for a while. today, while we were out, Daisy was attacked and killed by a vicious chicken hawk (basically beheaded). Daisy was a bit of a loner and didnt always stick with her two sisters, and unfortunately, there is safety in numbers. and unfortunately, EVERYTHING eats chicken.
we broke the sad news, and Laurel cried hugging her Tigger. Vienna got teary-eyed, but insisted, 'not because of the chicken' (obviously trying to be tough).
we reminisced, felt she had a good, but short life. hanging out with her chicken and human sisters along with all the wonderful yard adventures. life is going to be a struggle, and one of the best skills children can learn is resiliency. once you're down, you dont stay down (even when someone kicks you down, you figure out how to get back up). talking and working through difficult times are invalulable life skills.
Laruel buried her feathers and with held hands, we said a small prayer. Dear Daisy, we will miss you.