Before we start with the Xmas blitz, some random thoughts I want to jot down before I forget:
Vienna, the tomboy, loves to climb - on trees, monkey bars-- just like her poppa-- skinny but strong. She loves to say 'poop'. This morning she was singing, Rudolph the red-nose poop!
Her spontaneity has a sweet side, she says 'I love you' the most and at random moments. She's stubborn when she sets her mind, there's no negotiating with her--- I try to win the war, since alot times, she wins the battles. Speaking of stubborn, she is slow as molasses. Not only is she slow in comparison to Laurel, but according to her teacher, the slowest in a class of 22! At home, I have her 'following' Laurel , otherwise, she gets distracted and it can take forever to get ready!
Laurel, the gentle soul. She says 'my daddy', 'my mommy' and let's us know, she misses us when she's away from us. She's still my cuddle-bug, esp in the morn when they wake up and climb in bed with us. She is sensitive, like momma, she cried during the movie, Tangled. She's still more girly and has way too many dollies. Her outfits are more coordinated than her sister's (Vienna would pick a favorite shirt and wear it everyday if she could).
Her tough side, she is more competitive. She focuses and wants to do well. When they fight, Laurel almost always wins. She's just as outdoorsy as Vienna-- and has already decided which truck she or Vienna will inherit from poppa when they grow up!
They don't nap consistently anymore, esp during the wkends, when we all sleep in. If they do nap, it's for an hour or less. They're growing, but still VERY petite (maybe 5% on the charts). Vienna is about 27 lbs, Laurel 29 lbs. Who knows when their growth spurt will kick in, maybe in college, like their poppa!
In spite of their different personalities, they play so well together. There are some squabbles (you're mean, you're a diaper, I'm not gonna play w/you, and so on), but 95% of the time, they truly enjoy each other's company. They (esp Laurel) are getting into board and card games, which momma enjoys too.
I know I'm biased, but my babies are growing up to be sweet, adorable kids!