my camera bit the sands in
eric was not happy and I heard many, 'I told you so'.
i've lost count, this may be my 3rd camera in 3yrs? {sigh} it's not deliberate, but i tend to be hard on things (dishwashers, washing machines, vaccums have not survived).
i did get my
new camera this wk. it's water-proof, shatter-proof and hopefully
and in time to capture the girls' first try at ice-skating. it was slippery-going at first. but laurel did better than expected. she found her ice legs and was able to walk on the ice, holding our hands. vienna just held on and glided along.
i was disappointed they didnt have the 'metal walkers' to assist the kids. i can barely skate, relying on the penguin walk. eric is much better and the girls enjoyed gliding and looping around the ice with poppa. their classes begin on halloween. it's a mommy/daddy and me class, so wish us luck (esp me!).