Happy Halloween!
The day started with a h-ween parade at the girls' school. they made their very own bunny costumes, from the pink ears to the bobby tails. there were also bats and pumpkins. it was loud and fun (except for when laurel sees momma, she gets super clingy---i should have gone in costume incognito!). but that's ok, momma loves h-ween and the kids were so darn cute.
Then the tortoise and hare raced off to gramma Vu's house for our very first treats.
Then we headed out EARLY to Fair Oaks church's trunk or treat with gramma D---we learned our lesson last year. After a 15 wait to get in, and 15min of treating, we had two full pumpkins--- who needs blocks and blocks of sidewalks with a parking lot full of candy! Leaving us plenty of time for rides, a haunted house, car show and some eats. We didnt stay for the fireworks, but it was already a full night.
We also ran into my gf, monique & her family. her hubs was showing his company's car, the scion speedster.