Verbal and LearningA word explosion for Vienna: pand-ma (gramma), maw-mi (maria), aunt louise, outside, light, hair, eyes, nose, fork, spoon, knife, glasses, elevator, a-million (watermelon), baterfuly (butterfly) and on and on...basically, she'll try to repeat anything you say!
She'll also say simple phrases: high-five (insert name), thank you (insert name), what's that?, more please, share low-el, wait low-el (but of course, wont take her own advice!)
Laurel is more quiet. She'll try to to sound out new words, but they come out sounding alot like 'ssss'. Might need some phonics-to-the-rescue. Or she's just taking her time, her own pace, she's a mellow-yellow-kinda-girl.
Vienna knows her basic colors, some letters and numbers. thanks to
these videos.
Since Laurel will only sit thru the beginning of (any) video, she knows 3 colors and when asked, will rotate thru them until she hits the right one.
EmotionalStill lots of separation anxiety fm Vienna, but really only with momma. Working from home can be challenging, since I have to sneak in & out of the kitchen for snacks and coffee. If she spots me heading back to the study, commence hysterical meltdown. Love her to bits, but she can be one HIGH maintenance girl.
Likewise, Laurel is THE poppa's girl. she has perfected the (dramatic whine) 'da-da!' And he admits, it's a zinger to his heart. If she could, she would attach him as a 3rd arm.
It also doesnt help, they are both teething. 2yr old molars have come and gone. Their upper, secondary teeth are starting to break in.
Motor Skills and QuirksVienna is our monkey. She'll climb up, in and strap herself to the hair chair. She'll climb on tables, my shoulders, the rock name it.
Like her fav guy, elmo, she loves to gives 'mawah' kisses to everyone and everything.
Laurel has major food envy. She has to know what you're eating. She truly is my daughter (hehehe). When she's enjoying a particularly tasty morsel, she'll stuff her mouth and ask for more, before she even swallows!
And everything is 'hawt' unless it's cold. She is also the follower and bully of the pair. Figure that one out.
Sleep and WeightNo changes to their sleep schedule. Night is still 12 hours with 1- 1 1/2hr nap at noon.
Still havnet gained alot of weight: V- 20lbs, L- 22lbs. But i just found out about
this product. Nutritional like peadisure, but even more cal! Lord knows, I've tried everything else!