We survived! Overall, it was a good trip. Not quite the same AC (after children) but still a nice break and lots of quality time as a family.
The girls did really well on the airplane rides. We gave them
benadyrl when we boarded but it
didnt take effect fast enough (thus, earlier dosage on the flight back). One thing about
benadryl, it can have the opposite effect, esp if the child is already hyperactive. We did test it out on the girls beforehand, and they
didnt bounce off the walls.
On the flight, since they had just eaten, they
didnt want another bottle and
couldnt care less for the pacifier. So I fed them potato chip 'dust' to keep them swallowing and alleviate the air pressure. And they seem perfectly fine. (BTW, the ear plugs we bought were useless. They kept falling out.)
Once the
benadyrl did kick in, they fussed
alittle before
zonking out---nothing too crazy, thou I had to take Laurel to the back of plane once, which thankfully, was empty. So no dirty looks thrown our way. We booked aisle and window seats, hoping no one would book the middle and both times we lucked out.
Bermuda is gorgeous! Only 23 miles sq feet but with 75 miles of ocean drives. The people are friendly and happy (unemployment is non-existent). The water was
alittle cold hence, no pics of the girls in the ocean---it
doesnt warm up until June. We did swim in the pool our first day there, then the clouds rolled in. Though it only really rained the day before we left. No golden tan for momma )-:
Grotto Bay is cozier then it looks, but had all the wonderful amenities: outdoor jacuzzi, pool side restaurant, top-notch food, game room, gym and business center. And of course, private beach, beautiful lagoon and sunken, glowing caves. Really
couldnt ask for anything more. The only draw back was, it's not too child-friendly. We're used to children running-abound resorts. The Grotto Bay is more geared towards the refined.
Thank goodness we did the all-inclusive! No meal was less than $40, even for sandwiches and drinks! And did we pig out. They even served complimentary 'tea time' every day at 3-4PM,,,, a time Eric looked forwarded to. The food was divine and drinks
aflowing. There was one shrimp dish we ordered 4X! I was literally sad when we got back and
couldnt have grilled shrimp and key lime pie for dinner.
Basically, we ended up only spending $$$ on cab fare to the wedding. Even bus passes were included in our package. This made our family financial planner, Eric, very happy.
Lessons learned on the trip. Get a suite. Dirty diapers and small room
dont mix. The girls loved their little sleeping pods. Good thing too, since getting two cribs in would have been a squeeze. Not to mention, lights out at 7:30/8:30 PM EST/
IST. Eric and I were able to enjoy the patio but def no
Other than that, the girls adjusted beautifully. They ate out w/us every night and napped on schedule--which also became our schedule.
Dont get me wrong, traveling w/
babies are
alot of work. Not once were we able to just close our eyes and just bask in the rays. But it only gets better. Next year, they can watch a movie on the flight and run around on the beach---instead of trying to eat it!
I love to travel, every trip refreshes my soul. We have another beach trip in July (in Nags Head), this time with all their cousins! The kids can entertain themselves, less work for us!
Every year we try to go to New England/Maine (quaint, rocky coastal towns and best lobster ever), but unfortunately, not this year, since
momma's getting a new kitchen for Mother's Day!!!