From 9 months gestation
To 9 months today!

9 fun Twin facts
1) I've always liked cities names (Sydney, Savannah, Paris, Austin, Milan, etc).
So they are named after local cities.
Vienna, a unique name for a one-of-a-kind, feisty baby.
Laurel means 'tree of peace'---which fits her easy-going, cuddly personality.
Langley was another choice, but Eric thought it was too masculine.
Coincidentally, Eric's paternal grandmother's name was Genova. Very pretty.
2) We also had Chase and Connor picked out, esp since most pre-delivery guesses were for boys.
3) In actually, they could have been Connor and Charla. The doctors were wrong in thinking they were identical (based on a thin separation membrane).
4) Laurel has Eric's middle name: Lee. My first choice was Laurel Loc after my grandmother's first name. But it turned out Loc is actually my grandfather's name; my grandmother went by her husband's name after marriage. Once again Eric didnt want a too masculine name, not that Lee isnt.
5) Laurel is an efficient crawler. She'll crawl just enough, then she'll sprawl out and reach for her target (smart girl, i say)
6) Vienna loves to help turn the pages of her bedtime book.
7) Vienna thinks she's a dancing jumperoo even when she's in your lap.
8) Laurel likes to be dipped. She'll throw her arm out to show you she's fearless.
9) They both have the cutest, toothless smile (yes, still all gums at 9 mos!).
To our beautiful girls, we love you!