stats -
motor skills:V&L: open/close doors, climb up/down stairs, roll ball, scribble, step in/out of clothes, some shape sorting and of course, lots of monkeying around:
V: can climb up baby gate using its holes for footings L: can climb up slide w/rungs
verbal (words):V&L: banana, ball, stop, shoes,
da V: fish, cat, apple, chicken, moo
- understand words/signs: shoes, sit down, eat, water, milk, kiss, sleep, book, bird, cat, dog, fish, ball, car, poppa, momma,
vienna, laurel, maria, tummy, nose, draw, play, bath, potty, wash hands, dirty, no, stop, all done
fun facts- they're starting to play with each other more, playing chase or giggling together.
- when either
eric & i come home, they give us hugs and automatically wave bye-bye (outta-here :-) to maria.
- laurel is more easy going. if she has two, she'll share and offer one to
vienna is more
aggressive. when she wants, she wants. which means on occasion, she has chased and tackled laurel down. but laurel is getting better at defense. she'll run, spin, hold her ground, or eat real fast.
- when
vienna wanders off, laurel 'tells' her to come back. hmmm, wonder if she's gonna be a tattle-tell, 'guess what vienna did today....'.
- laurel gives open-mouth kisses. if she's not in the mood, she'll shake her head no, no.
vienna likes mechanics. she will unscrew, pop open, turn, push, pull, bang---until she figures out how it works.
- instead of their toys, they love playing on the couch, the remotes and 'talking' on the phone.
Our fun, smart, pretty, AMAZING girls! Love, love, love em!