It started Christmas eve, also Eric's bday, at grandma D's house. We had brunch with yummy baked french toast, crepe fruit cups and much much more! What a perfect way to start the holiday.
Christmas day, we hosted my family and my dad's cousin's family (who just moved up from New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina). There were more food, gifts and more gifts. The kids were in heaven! Elmo was a big hit this year, the girls got the tickle chairs from grandma. And Anna banana got the hot toy of the season, the new TMX Elmo---he definitely was a hoot. There was even a small smack down over Elmo between Anna and Joshua (our two LIVELY toddlers), but of course, they didnt stay mad long.

After all the eating and gift opening, the adults relaxed, talked and played games (cards and Cranium) and the kids ran around like mad.
Ahhhhhh, family, the twinkling lights from the tree, the crisp cold air, the kids and their wide-eye excitement..... what's not to LOVE about Christmas!