After 38 1/2 weeks and 26 hours of labor, the twins have arrived. On July 6th at 6:57 AM, Vienna Vu weighed in at 5 lbs 4oz and Laurel Lee at 5 lbs 8 oz, coincidently at the same length at 18 1/2 in.
The Pregnancy
Sorry, but I'm not one of those gals who 'loves' being pregnant. I think I had may be two good, 'normal' months out of the nine. Otherwise, the first couple of months were double the hormones, so nausea, nausea and chronic headaches. Any known pregnancy symptoms, I had it, from heart burn to tiredness, even carpal tunnel syndrome!
The one odd quirk was I couldnt eat. Go figure, a pregnant women who doesnt go hog wild for hagen daz. There were even times, I had to force feed just so I wouldnt pass out! So for carrying twins, I only gained about 45 lbs. Now if only this lasts after the pregnancy, low riders here I come!
The Delivery
At 5:30 AM on July 5th, I woke up to the cat's antics and realized my pjs were a bit damp. Yea! my water broke, so off to the hospital we went. I was already pushing for an induction that week, so we were siked. And no suffering at home timing contractions---doesnt that border on cruel and unusual torture?
I was immediately put on Petrozin to start my contractions and had my epidural. We were hoping by 5PM that day, it would be all over. Twenty hours later, I still hadnt dilated more than 5cm. I wasnt in any pain since the epidural worked wonders--what contractions?---tho a bad side effect is nausea, I couldnt even keep ice chips down! My only complaint was the freaking bed was so uncomfortable! My back was so sore, to the point I couldnt lay down anymore but had to be pillowed, propped up.
To make a long story short, it turned out the wrong twin's water broke. The doctor didnt realize this until the 20th hour, so after breaking the lower twin's water so she could descend, I progressed to 9 cm within 2-3 hours. Then with an hour and 15 min of pushing, Vienna entered the world. Once she was cleaned up, she turned and gave her poppa a big smile (she was proud he made it thru with out fainting and even cut the umbilical cords!) . Laurel came just 13 mins later, with her calm, sweet demeanor.
The Twins

Vienna, tho only 4 oz less has a very small frame and head, unlike Laurel, who we sometimes call Jaba Love. They are clearly fraternal, with some resemblance. Vienna looks very much like her poppa . Laurel, I've been told, looks more like me. (I hope that's not cause she's a chubbette :-)
They have very different temperaments. Vienna is more sensitive and fussy, esp since she has alot of gas issues (we had to switch to strictly soy formula to alleviate her gas). She loves to be held and is much more active. And does she have some lungs on her----isnt that always the case, the smaller they are, they louder they are.
Laurel is barely ever riled. She can lay in her crib

Our two angels, how truly blessed we are.